Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Yet Another Explainer: A CRM Report from 2008 February

The following metarial, like that reflected in the two earlier blog posts from 2008 JAN 01 and 2008 FEB 15 were received by me in connection with my CRM application and report in those months. Like those posts, this is also material which has been moved to this blog from Google Drive, and updated, annotated and noted in the time period since. It was shared widely by this writer by mail, email and fax to document and correct a number of untruths that appeared in the publication of record (The Reporter) of the LCMS and in written correspondence to other agencies and organizations of that church in 2016. [§03a]

The question of ordained clergy who serve outside of the usual called positions (i.e. parish pastors) in the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod (or LCMS) became extremely vexatious some years ago, and the problem was either tackled, created, or made much worse (depending on your point of view) by changes in the bylaws in the LCMS from 1998 to 2004. The LCMS made an effort to return to something closer to the historic Lutheran doctrine of the office of the ordained ministry in 2016 by eliminating the most vexatious category of ordained members of the LCMS, that of non-candidate members.

The following may be of interest if you have heard of or been involved in CRM Status, or for those from a more general background outside of the LCMS (including those familiar with other churches with a high view of the ordained ministry.

The following link has a more readable .pdf version of the original paper document. What follows is an html draft of the original, using Google's OCR app tesseract, further modified.


SECTION ONE (Please supply the following information.)

Name: ___[REDACTED]___ Date Candidate Status Granted 1/1/2001
Home Address: ___[REDACTED]___
Home Telephone: ___[REDACTED]___ E-mail Address ___[REDACTED]___
Last active roster position held (Pastor/Teacher/DCE/DCO, etc.): Pastor
Location: Trinity Lutheran Church, Bemidji, Minnesota
Concluding date of last active roster position held: 1988 September
Present congregational membership: Life in Christ Lutheran Church, Albertville, Minnesota University Lutheran Chapel, Minneapolis, Minnesota (Associate Member)
Are you a member in good standing in the congregation listed above?* Yes
(* as determined by the congregation where you hold membership)

SECTION TWO (Please answer the following questions if you are applying for Candidate Status.)

1. Do you have any health problems that would keep you from performing the duties of a ordained/commissioned minister? NO.
2. If the answer to question 1 is yes, are these health problems expected to be lifelong?
3. Indicate below the extent of your current involvement on a part-time and assisting basis in your respective ministry.
Ordained Ministers ________________________Commissioned Ministers
___YES___ Pulpit supply __________________________Teach Part-time
___YES___Worship leading _________________________Substitute teach
___YES___Distribution of Holy Communion __________Youth work
___YES___Bible Class teaching ____________________Teach Sunday School
_________ Pastoral visitation ____________________Committee work
___YES___Other (specify) _________Other (specify)
4.___YES___Are you able and willing to consider a Call at this time?


[§03a] I'm happy to give further details to whoever would like them (as I already have done since 2016). Use the contact tab at for my email. - G.W. Bynum, Chaplain, Saint Timothy Society

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